The input system


ChemicalEntity is an abstract type that englobes Molecule, Atom, AtomicOrbital and MolecularOrbital structures. Molecule is a subtype of ChemicalEntity that stores coordinates, atomic symbols and atomic numbers as objects.


This method takes an .xyz file (with cartesian coordinates of atoms in a molecule) and returns a Molecule. The .xyz file should be formatted as follows


H      -1.788131055      0.000000000     -4.028513155
H      -1.331928651      0.434077746     -3.639854078

In the first line, the file should contain the numer of atoms that are in the molecule. In the second line, there is a comment, which can be the name of the compound, molecular formula, etc. To further information about .xyz files, click here. For example, if we take the example file, it is possible to give it as an input by calling molecule method.


The example above works if the file is in the current directory that you are working on. In other case, you can just give the path to the file of interest.
